Snowmobile Insurance
Every customer has different insurance needs which is why we offer you different levels of protection:
Liability only policy.
Liability coverage covers injuries, as well as property damage
that you may cause to others as a result of a snowmobile accident.
Liability & Comprehensive coverage policy.
This program covers the liability coverage mentioned above plus comprehensive coverage, which protects your snowmobile from damages caused by fire, theft and most other causes except collision.
·This package covers everything (subject to exclusions in the policy) except damage to your snowmobile caused by a snowmobile accident.
Liability, Comprehensive & Collision Coverage policy.
In addition to all of the coverage’s listed above you are protected for accident damage to your snowmobile.
Essential Liability Coverage.
All of the snowmobile policies provide liability coverage for injury to others or damage to their property that could be caused while you operate
your snowmobile. Passenger liability included at no additional cost. Customizable liability limits allow you to more fully protect yourself against costly
Medical Payments.
This optional protection covers co-payments, deductibles and other expenses if you need medical attention a a result of a snowmobiling incident.
Accessory Coverage.
Tell us what accessory you specifically want to insure, and you’ll be covered up to the policy limits of the optional coverage. Whether it’s your trailer, snowmobile cover, or any piece of safety apparel.. the choice is yours.
Temporary Coverage for Additional Snowmobiles.
If you purchase a new snowmobile, we automatically extend your current coverage to provide temporary protection (see your policy for specific details) to the new unit. But don’t forget to officially add the vehicle to your policy)
Out-of-State Coverage’s.
Your policy automatically adjusts to meet a state’s minimum coverage requirements, even if your policy limits are normally lower.
Coverage in Canada.
If you’re planning to ride your snowmobile beyond our northern border—go right ahead. Your coverage extends to Canada.
Lots of Discount Possibilities.
Some of our insurance companies offer many ways to save you money, and you’re not limited in the number of discounts you can enjoy. They are:
*Insuring two or more snowmobiles on the same policy.
*Renewing your policy.
*Belonging to a snowmobile association.
*Completing a snowmobile safety course.
Payment Options.
You can pay your policy in full with a check, money order, cash, or credit card You may also qualify to pay your premium in two or more installment payments.
Fast and Reliable Claim Service.
Report your claim any time, day or night.
Auto Insurance Companies We Work With: